Friday, March 11, 2022

Trying to Turn Back The Clock

On March 14, Affirm United asks Affirming congregations to take part in PIE Day. PIE stands for Public, Intentional, and Explicit in our support of all people.

It is interesting that in the last couple of weeks, some American states have been working to turn back the clock and force young LGBTQ2+ individuals to hide who they are. 

The Florida "Don't Say Gay" law has been featured prominently  in the news lately. Here is a balanced view of what it says:

Many young children come from families where their siblings, parents, aunts and uncles,  even grandparents are gay. What would educators be doing to these little people, in denying the existence of their family? What are they doing to students who are gay?

In Texas and many other states, legislators are trying to ban access to gender affirming medical treatments for transgender youth. Texas has gone so far as to call obtaining medical treatment for your child "abuse", threatening to seize children from their parents.

In one study 40% of transgender adults reported that they had attempted suicide. Nearly all had attempted suicide before they were 25. These laws can only exacerbate this situation.

As Affirming Christians, we need to protect all children from those who would try to prevent them from becoming who God meant them to be. We must be public, intentional, and explicit in telling those in authority that we want a world where all children are safe to explore who they are and who they can become.

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