Thursday, June 27, 2019

In Support of Ladner United Church

I was visiting British Columbia, last week, and saw this on the TV in the breakfast room of our hotel.

I was thinking how sad this was and thinking I needed to pass this on to the other members of the Affirm Team.

Then I heard the man at the next table say to his dining companion “Why in hell would a church have a flag like THAT.”

My first response was to throw my coffee at him, but thought better of it. After all we needed a place to stay for a few more nights. Instead, I sat and steamed.

Now that I have had time to think about this, I would like to tell that gentleman why a church would have a flag like that. It is because we are called to love our neighbours. It is an open sign of loving support for the LGBTQ2+ community and a sign to all that this is a safe place.

I will be writing a letter of support to Ladner United Church. I will have it at church on Sunday, if anyone else would like to sign the letter. If you won't be there on sunday, send us an email and I will add your name to the letter.

As we seek to become an affirming church, may we have the courage to show the community what we believe.

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