
Friday, September 28, 2018

Why all this about LGBTQ2? We are already such a welcoming church.

Indeed we are very welcoming.

But being welcoming is not enough. For LGBTQ2 people it is scary to be with other people when they don’t know who is going to accept them the way they are and who is not. Can a gay couple hold hands in our church and know that no one will take offense? Can a transgendered woman come in her dress and heels and be understood, not an oddity? We need to educate ourselves and then, if we choose, become an affirming church which knows about LGBQT2 people and which explicitly welcomes them among us.

It is the expressed intention of our church to focus on other vulnerable groups as time permits. We know that “church is not a private club and we are not the gatekeepers. As soon as one new person comes through the doors, the community becomes a new community” (United Church of Canada Website – see the link below).

At our Annual General meeting in February, Kanata United Church chose to embark on this learning and discernment journey for two years. Our membership will then vote on whether to become an Affirming Ministry. This learning journey promises to be interesting, surprising, fun and challenging.

We are all in this together. Please take advantage of all the opportunities to learn and enjoy!

For more on this topic, please follow the link: UCC. “Why become an affirming ministry” at:

Robert Ashton
Kathy Beamish
Cindy Casey
Catherine Chamberlain
Margaret McGarry

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